Successfully developing local tools with LTI 1.3 & Instructure UI

Video Transcript
And welcome. I'm a bucket. And I'm a senior developer at the University of Oxford on Highway successfully developed a cool tools used by 1. 3 and the instructor you I to integrate into the canvas platform. So fast a little better background, I'm part of a team that works at the University of Oxford. It within the University.

Technical team has three developments in the team. We do work with other teams within the university to support different parts of what we're doing experiments from supporting previous Learning Management Systems. So we used to support the line management system have before canvas a transition plate. I'm so we understood quite a lot of the problems that people already had with that system and the Penguins. We wanted to address and just handle the technical administration of canvas cycling, socks are the requirements for these tools are so too.

When we had a project to transition from a previous, very to Canvas and that project identify gaps that particular hat with canvas and say things that we would hope to address either by purchasing a third party to rotate something else to fill out. Nate. LTI tools just quickly, battlecast sounds for learning technology in truck ability. It's basically a way of embedding a external developments or something into the best platform,. And it allows you to seamlessly and back.

Told her to put it. So I kind of have that it is part of the actual platform and these are some very aware that they using something different and When it does that it exchanges information from canvassed to the tool. So it will tell the truth because I'm fat information that is appropriate to that particular Musa and whether does to predict the standards for LTI. It says LTE old is well, tested and uncles and it's been used heavily throughout. Integrations.

And it's very simple. And then there's also more recently LTI 1. 3 m e c c a r standings in the general internet. Well, I'm sorry pills on things like open ID connect and I will tell you it is much more complex than LTI. One point.

Walk other people are using for other things. Other than that, I'm sorry things like I will to, I used very widely When developing web applications. So you can use some existing supporting, like, these to help build your integration, but it is much more complex. It is a little bit. In launching a toe.

I mentioned earlier that we had a project to identify. What are the gaps in canvas for all Lakewood appointment? And DeSoto came back. This soda comes back to with a drive is for a developing local tools. And really it was we need some features that wasn't available in campus or in any other official LTI to some particular sort of work application that we couldn't get like couldn't get off the shelf and canvas wasn't providing us with be ended up building LTI tool for local systems. So you could say, that's for sure, but it was really quite a different set of things.

When you got some local applications are some low prices that you need to integrating. and lots of this was, Around. So Tiff and neighboring, Oxford to use of Campus. We do use canvas institutions physical in teaching and learning. But this some slight subtleties about that.

We have a very extensive evolved Administration and Congress and we wanted to support local administrations in continuing to hospital flexibility. One driven by a student information system that may well change lights are on in the future. But if we wanted to go out a way of soda in combination, with out about the ministration, allowing local administrators to have some structured way to manage and create courses. Dentist's office combined with, we have quite a quite the right way. People do things quite differently in different areas at the University and trying to say, everybody uses canvas in this particular way would have been quite difficult to dogs, but we wanted to enable people to use, come to see and I could say that this was just thought if I could just supporting cameras at this point.

How to put her initials. We need to start with, we had an issue with a calendar event. So we don't have to sort of the standard way of collecting for the timetable informational lab information in the University. There very small little areas that spreadsheet but I wanted to get that data into cannabis until we built a small tool with allow people to import calendar events into the canvas calendar. So they could manage nicely.

However, they wanted to include them in and have been presented to students and staff. Of course. This was a LTI 1. 12 and we followed their canvas tile guy. Using a couple of degrees from Kansas State University that they have Lisa's.

I can Source we deployed, it's right up your ass. And this was a smooth and puts them into the calendar. It does have some features like it will allow you to delete. All of those events that you imported Searcy, important to the wrong course, you can easily remove them from one by one. The song God is now dedicated to developing tools anymore, but it was a nice way to get going and it worked pretty well and very happy with it.

Take me to Phillips and we're moving it to LCI 1. 3 new rules. Operated The Conjuring part 2, a requirement to sign up now. And I know Congress has any of this to him. Again, come out to the project and it was one of the requirements that we needed to address to get people to move off the bar previous timer, and Crystal we switched to using LTI 1.

3, and I will say it is more complex. So she don't want it will take you longer to get started without you by 1. 3. , But it's a good support for LTE 1. 3.

And I've had it for quite a while now, history error, handling. Could be better when you're when you haven't quite figured correctly. I'm Daryl messages on who weighs the most helpful, but there are lots of places to put out. So you can place the tool in lots of different places and it was on the right hand side of the homepage of the course in the call settings. You can put it in the account and in various other places around the come to see why you can have to or else he, I went by pretty cool.

He's Lilo on it and I'll try one point one but easier to do it right now. And at the end of the launch after all of this behind the scenes redirection happened, you end up with a token that is signed for 1 hour and it looks about tools. We just use that for the use a session. You can lease on it for you,. So I'm going to accept it how we use the token.

The degenerated this part of the LT. I watch session token. We do plan to change that quick way to get going. It's a It's the simplest solution just to get something going without Coca-Cola clock. One thing about 1.

3 is unlocked in a course. So you went outside 1. 1. You could delegate. Down, two people inside.

Some accounts were inside. Departments is of the council typically used for for you can't do that. You have to think of the school on the top on the roots of accounts. And then once is configured, you can have it individually to call says, it has to be right at the very top of the installation is top of the sub account hierarchy. Set.

That. Those enable some nice about it. Yes, it does. Make it easier. If you have a tool that you're wanting to ask, slowly roll out and not make it available everywhere.

Because if they changing insulation, my text from configuring, every time you install that to configuring it once meant installing a specific place. It does make it easier to do something for the rollouts where you want to just roll a new tool out to say sweet Apartments. You don't have to reconfigure if you know where the place to eat apartment, if you can figure it out and then just installed it in three departments that are going to use it. When we move to LCI 1. 3 with the tile guy from Canada and get us to see how we were going to do.

I use our interface because previously, install guide is just a CSS and HTML Snippets that you should invest in your tool to make your tool look like campus, and that wasn't going to be supported in the long run. So, we were looking about how we were going to build all user interface and What about requirement was that we wanted our local tools to look and feel like me to come to schools and we wanted the behavior and then just to feel inside canvas and we ended up just using instruct to you. I said, this is a URI component life. We built by instructure that is used within Congress itself and its It provides a set of components, or are they all look and behave, like the sound of that kind of interface elements to use these. You have to use their framework react.

And so, when we switch to LTI 1. 3 Wheels, I switched to doing development using react sometime technology, Ohio, it out. Something else about the benefits and it is a nice way of building applications that are going to be embedded into campus Crossing built. Some really nice things like that for staff development cycle. React and structure allows you to build your you.

I am a Scientist and your brows will smack. You refresh play the new changes and that makes it really nice for but price of typing on developing you can be sitting with him dancing. All what about if we change it soon as component is on the right rather than the left, the change of Adam and see what it looks like. And what happened, which direction you want to go. It's pretty well.

I think on this site, if you like the structures documentation of all of those components and pretty good today, the outline of options available for using Pina. And it has a good focus on accessibility. So, Most of the components, really? Try to enforce you to use, good, accessibility practice areas where it's needed. And they also manage things like beef, Focus, well and providing Aria, Aria hints, when you got things, like alert. So dialogues, said it assistant technology developers have About 10 every time because the complaints have it built in.

One thing I mentioned is 3,000 left behind and behave like hamburgers. So, because these component to use inside comes to self. It does mean that you're you, I look like if I counted, it feels natural to Canvas uses. And what we also try to do is, as well as using the components is use them in the way that instruction using Compass Cipher gampo, when we have a page with some fields, and then a submit Council down in the event. I'm able to 65 in on you this evening.

So you can get the components to load. Your seamless has been defined in your account automatically adjust to the colors and backgrounds that are set on a particular. Count. So if you have different names in different sub accounts that could be pulled through into the tool and the components will automatically adjust the pasta cross. Cuz wow I made this is been made out to spell professional and Polished.

Tell him we switched to doing LTI 1. 3. We try to make some leaves will components and this is sort of work with Chihuahuas to make development tools easier as we did end up building quite a few tools. So we try to build small Services handle particular parts of a tools requirements as I wear boxer. Keishin, that just handles the old guy launch from campus.

So I went and I'll see how it goes to. The service is service, validates clti lunch and then allows a Static website, when I say stuff website with him really meaning is a react in structure URI to to get the token that was created. As part of The Alkali 1. 3, service allows us to host tools across from the old guy with white face. And it means that we have this one service times and they make special tools.

The other part that went pretty well, was a proxy service disallowed basically allows the best. So that's just some HTML CSS JavaScript, but this is effectively react to make direct to canvas. Of this means that they can request a. So what happens is the two lunches and it might want to example get details of all of the people in the sebatik sample list of all the calendar events, for example, now, you can't do that to the l t i s or any of the standards, but you might want to present back a list of all of calendar events in this particular course, you can work out or you can be told what is a proxy service. This is a generic service again that allows sometime tools to make API request.

Using developer keys. So what happens is the user? Makes a request and if we have no idea of the token for then it asks the user to ground, the proxy service or actually the school access to the account and then as long as he uses as yes, I'm happy to access. It is given a token and think and use that token to make requests for you to Compass real estate and it's the proxy service that manages. Those tokens API request to canvas in a secure and isolated Mama. This is something that could support itself and said we have to have this independent service in the middle.

Combined with out how we still just started our tools as we had quite a front and back ends. But because of all you so react to you on the front and send it to split out tools into house where they need to buy something, just need to use the l, t, o, n e used for things like where you have a Operation that you need to do on behalf of the user but they don't normally have enough commission school. So when example, if that is something like creating a course, we don't get individual uses Nation to create a course we use admin Titan to create the coolest so that it fits into a standard equation. Look like use the token that was created as part of its baltim cookies, because especially with things like Safari and other browsers looking cookies on the back end of a problem. Takeaways from this one, identifier late late.

We were really lucky in having a project to help us with that, but find the pain points that you have a situation. If you have a standard passing feel tools and we've adopted a standard way of building all of our tools and it reduces cost. It makes it easier to support those tools because they all tend to work in the same way. So it may be bucking problems and working out when you come back to look at it too long. After 6 months work know something different.

You're not having to adjust so much because it's built completely differently and told of our tools and I haven't talked to you. I sometimes and they will have a job that back to me. Having all of your tools are standard way. It means their security update. It's the site, you're you can reuse a player have to do the security update.

What is the tools? It should be a similar pattern for each tool. I really recommend LTI 1. 3. , It's nice. It is complex, but it does seem to Crave your tools.

Are they have some nice features. If I to blame or easier than 1. 1. , For example, the names supposed to be nervous if I chose to look like, those tools, so it's not really a preference on Moodle. Think about being cross-platform tools.

But otherwise, the building stuff is really good. Have a good CI pipeline development of the development tools. So that will Weiser, Idaho. Try to avoid customizations through the stain left. Some of the things we've done.

I've needed it really pushed to build tools for most things, as just the ongoing support for. I'm customisation to the theme is tricky and difficult. I'm just like trying to avoid that wet possible guarantee that such as well. This is Grandpa having it as a proper LTI to insulate you from not survive. His problems are performing tonight at testing of your jobs with changes and otherwise how could documentation of the stuff you built and promote it? So there's no point building stuff.

If you don't have a Communications plan for how you're going to tell people about it, explain what benefits, it brings how they should be using it and then getting you the feedback has been really great for us, babe. What? I want problems. People have been having with our tools and try to improve them and give them the extra mile. What we've ended up building, just going to get a better idea to self probation courses. Sign up to little bit like an appointment, creeps something for people to have a toilet.

Isn't integrate to the canvas that you want to list of all of the uses of email. Addresses do something. When I call no maker, the sound of to the big problem, cause low, life, and creation tools to create course. We do something to help people to think that kind of calendar out. That's mainly around promoting the fact that they come, I'm single.

Calendar to things like Outlook and Gmail. Then some other swollen wood ministration texting without something to help users create sections, some exports of the calendar to PDF and external create user creation. Tools. Are people can create uses Bettina again in a controlled manner, so they don't create uses the mash match with. Like, that's what we've ended up building and I hope you found that useful in treating and any questions. Please do get in touch.